Les huiles de massage

Massage oils

Ayurvedic medicine uses a variety of healing techniques to restore the natural balance of the body, mind and soul. One of the key elements of this healing method is massage, which is used to relieve stress, improve blood and lymphatic circulation, and promote healing.

Ayurvedic massages use special oils that are chosen based on each person's individual needs. These oils are made from Ayurvedic herbs and plants and are designed to target each individual's specific doshas.

Sesame oil is a base oil commonly used in Ayurvedic massages. It is considered a warm, nourishing oil that is particularly beneficial for people with a Vata dosha. This oil is also recommended for people suffering from joint or muscle pain, as it helps reduce inflammation and relieve pain.

Coconut oil is another oil commonly used in Ayurvedic massages. This oil is considered a cool and refreshing oil that is suitable for people with Pitta dosha. It is also beneficial for sensitive or dry skin, as it helps hydrate and nourish the skin.

Mustard oil is a heating oil that is used in Ayurvedic massages for people with a Kapha dosha. It is also beneficial for people suffering from joint and muscle pain, as it helps stimulate blood circulation and reduce inflammation.

In addition to these base oils, Ayurvedic medicine practitioners may add herbs and spices to the oil to meet the specific needs of each individual. For example, ginger oil can be used to warm and stimulate blood circulation, while lavender oil can be used to soothe and calm the body and mind.

In conclusion, Ayurvedic massages are a beneficial healing method to restore the natural balance of body, mind and soul. The oils used in these massages are specially chosen to meet the individual needs of each person based on their dosha. Sesame, coconut and mustard oils are commonly used base oils, to which herbs and spices can be added to meet the specific needs of each individual.

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