
Comment déterminer son Dosha

How to determine your Dosha

In Ayurvedic medicine, dosha is one of three types of body constitution. It is important to determine one's dosha in order to understand one's physical characteristics and mental tendencies, as...

How to determine your Dosha

In Ayurvedic medicine, dosha is one of three types of body constitution. It is important to determine one's dosha in order to understand one's physical characteristics and mental tendencies, as...

Comment choisir son huile de massage

How to choose your massage oil

The choice of massage oil is crucial to benefit from the benefits of Ayurvedic medicine. This is because each oil has specific properties that may be beneficial for certain body...

How to choose your massage oil

The choice of massage oil is crucial to benefit from the benefits of Ayurvedic medicine. This is because each oil has specific properties that may be beneficial for certain body...

Les huiles de massage

Massage oils

Ayurvedic medicine uses a variety of healing techniques to restore the natural balance of the body, mind and soul. One of the key elements of this healing method is massage,...

Massage oils

Ayurvedic medicine uses a variety of healing techniques to restore the natural balance of the body, mind and soul. One of the key elements of this healing method is massage,...

L'ayurveda en bref

Ayurveda in brief

The goal of Ayurvedic medicine is to identify imbalances in the doshas and correct them through natural means, such as diet, exercise, meditation, massage and herbs. Ayurvedic medicine practitioners also...

Ayurveda in brief

The goal of Ayurvedic medicine is to identify imbalances in the doshas and correct them through natural means, such as diet, exercise, meditation, massage and herbs. Ayurvedic medicine practitioners also...