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Collection: Massage oils

Why does oil play such an important role in Ayurvedic treatments?

The oil has an important place in traditional Ayurvedic medicine, which has a holistic approach to health and well-being. Using oils in Ayurvedic treatments has many benefits for the body, mind and soul.

Ayurvedic oils can be used for different types of treatments, including massage, hair care, skin care or to relieve muscle and joint pain. Some oils can also be used for meditation or to balance the body's vital energy.

Additionally, oil massages are a common practice in Ayurvedic treatments. Oil massage helps nourish and moisturize the skin, improve blood circulation, relax muscles and reduce stress and anxiety. Oils used for massage contain herbs, plants and spices, which have therapeutic properties that provide specific benefits to the body and mind.

In Ayurveda, the oil is considered a vital element for balancing the doshas, ​​the three fundamental principles that govern our health and well-being. Oils have properties that can calm, nourish, soothe and stimulate different parts of the body depending on the doshas present there.

For example, for people with a dominant Vata dosha, who often experience symptoms of dryness, nervousness, and anxiety, using warm, calming oils such as sesame oil can help reduce these symptoms.

Likewise, for people with a dominant Pitta dosha, who often experience symptoms of heat, inflammation and stress, using cooling oils such as coconut oil can help soothe and balance their body .

Our Ayurvedic oils are designed to provide specific benefits based on individual doshas, ​​health concerns or needs. Plants and herbs are carefully selected and blended in precise proportions to balance the doshas and improve health and well-being in a natural way.